The Framing Experts
With over 65 years of experience, Remington’s Custom Picture Framing is here to handle any picture framing needs imaginable, ranging from as small as replacing or restoring a piece of broken glass or as big as framing family heirlooms. The biggest difference that sets us apart from our competition is that we’ll frame anything and customize each project based on your specifications, no matter the size, weight, or height requirement. We offer a wide-selection of quality framing materials from wood, vinyl, metal, and plastic in numerous shapes and colors to match the tone and temperature in your home or office. If you don’t see a specific frame design or pattern, we will customize one to give you the exact frame you have in mind.
Let us take care of your framing necessities as nothing is a challenge for us. We’ve done over 1,200 unique and creative framing jobs from personal projects like hanging elaborate frames adoring the walls of people’s staircases to businesses installing murals and numerous indoor picture frames. Upon scheduling, we’ll customize each layout of the design from creating the frame just the way you want it to laying out how and where you want the frames to be hanged. We even offer repair, restoration, and calligraphy services, regardless of how minor or major the repair or restoration may be. We have great prices and great selections on a wide variety of colors, shapes, and sizes of frames and enclosures such as bubble and museum glass.

Custom picture framing services:
- Paintings
- Drawings
- Photographs
- Sports Jerseys
- Documents
- Needlework

Specialty Mats:
Hand carved, decorative, oval, circle
- Shadow boxes
- Canvas transfers
- Quality materials: Larson Juhl