
Our Creative Work, Proudly Displayed for All to See

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Customer Testimonials

Remington's has an excellent selection of balloons for any occasion you could possibly need them for. They do amazing decorating for weddings and all types of events as well. I haven't had anything personally framed here, but I have seen other's artwork framed by them and the finished product is always amazing and high quality work.
Emily Goeverton

Facebook Review

Remington’s custom framed two of our paintings and it was a pleasant experience. Susan was friendly & professional and helped us in choosing the frames. The price was reasonable and the frames were completed in a timely manner as promised. Highly recommended.
Alper S.

5 Star Review

Susan is a perfectionist and her balloon extravaganzas are amazing. She created an outdoor multicolored arch at the entrance of a swinging bridge for my son and daughter-in-law's wedding shower, with balloon sprays for the rootbeer float serving table... Spectacular and everything done just right.
Liz Peters

Facebook Review

Great place to get important stuff framed (art, diplomas, etc.) Also has local artist's artwork for sale. Cool little place.
Robert Iver

5 Star Review